Running High

Running High

Hands up if you think this is about the euphoric feeling you get after you finish a good run? Gotcha…it’s about running high (on cannabis bro) I’ve recently started experimenting on myself with different cannabis products and running performance and...
Shin Splints Suck

Shin Splints Suck

Odds are, if you were ever in the Army, you’ve had to dance with shin splits (metaphorically and literally). Overall, shin splints suck hard. What Are Shin Splints? Technically, this is “Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome” and is caused by a number of compounding factors...
Train For Selection

Train For Selection

When I was starting out as a personal trainer, I wasn’t really sure how a reservist can train for selection. But I’ve subsequently been able to put in countless hours of programming and have figured out a few things along the way. My first crack at it was...
How To Become A Dangerous Man

How To Become A Dangerous Man

  I had an awesome conversation with my latest podcast guest, Jonny Collins, about how so many men are not living optimally. Are you ‘dangerous’ was the underlying theme to our conversation and what that means to the modern, western man. Being...
All You Need To Lead Is a Clipboard

All You Need To Lead Is a Clipboard

Get a clipboard and start leading Leadership is solving problems. The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help or concluded you do not care. Either case is a failure of...