The Hard To Kill Podcast

Listen To The World’s Best Army Veteran Podcast

Killer Episodes

Understanding Low Testosterone in Military Veterans
Discover the impact of low testosterone on the lives of our veterans and learn how you can address low testosterone levels.Low testosterone is becoming a growing concern if you’re a military veteran. You have made countless sacrifices to serve your country and have faced numerous challenges and...
Veterans and Sexual Health: A Hidden Crisis
Nocturnal Erections – More Than Just a Morning Surprise When we talk about sexual health, one of the most overlooked yet crucial indicators is nocturnal erections. While many people think of them as a random occurrence, they are actually a powerful signal of overall health, particularly...
Trudeau Funded BJJ Retreat For Veterans
Trudeau Funded BJJ Retreat: A Beacon of Hope for CAF Veterans Welcome to another thought-provoking episode of The Hard To Kill Podcast. This week, host Dave Morrow sat down with Dave Zwoboda to delve into an impactful new initiative: Trudeau-funded Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) retreats tailored...