The Hard To Kill Podcast
Listen To The World’s Best Army Veteran Podcast
Killer Episodes
How To Keep Our Warfighters Fighting | The Hip Hinge
Do You Hip Hinge Bro? In the second instalment of the "Keeping Our Warfighters Fighting" series, we're looking at the hip hinge. I want to fix your hinge, today. This series is the baby, born from a conversation I had with Dr. Kelly Starrett on the HRD2KILL Podcast, about how we can do better when...
Episode 31 – Kirk Parsley
Dr. Kirk Parsley is a former Navy S.E.A.L. and medical doctor. His research in the field of sleep helps fellow S.E.A.L.s and mere mortals get a better grip of their sleep and improve their health and performance. Head to and get yourself some Sleep Remedy that Kirk...