Episode 43 – Dr. Sean Landry

Chiropractor, chill dude, father of a entire hockey team, Dr Sean Landry and I go to town on a slew of topics like the essential nature of resistance, how chiro can fix back pain, building community/reaching out for help and of course, we slide tackle and ponder what...

Episode 42 – Dr. Teimojin Tan

Dr. Teimojin Tan is definitely not your typical doctor. He’s a CAF veteran and not only is practicing medicine but is also creating an awesome business that teaches wilderness survival to everyday humans like me.  He’s super passionate about his craft and...

Episode 41 – Ghulam Ahmad

Ghulam is a buddy of mine and fellow Canadian, online coach. He’s a 3x National and 1x International Strongman Champion, HFFC Certified Exercise Physiologist and Strength Coach. His passion is helping those with diabetes, manage and reverse their deadly...