Episode 47 – The ATHENA Program

Today we’re chatting about the A.T.H.E.N.A. Program for designed exclusively for female veterans of the CAF.  Stephanie Tomé of the Quebec Veterans Foundation and Audrée Dufresne of the HRD2KILL Training Programs sit down and discuss the realities of being a...

Episode 46 – Audrée Dufresne

Audrée Dufresne, CAF member and Athletic Therapy student, makes her debut appearance on the HRD2KILL Podcast talking about sciatica.  Participate LIVE during her Q & A sessions in the HRD2KILL Facebook group. 

Episode 45 – Chance Burles

Chance Burles is a CAF veteran, podcaster, dad and organizer of the Canadian Walk For Veterans.  Today we chat about tour, kids and our bad days.  Listen to his Tools For the Tollbox podcast here.  Participate in the Canadian Walk for Veterans  

Episode 44 – Dave Morrow

Today we look at how our collective mindset of sheltering in place is harming our ability to actively fight against the corona virus. Learn about the 3 things that you need to do to no longer be a target of opportunity for the virus.  Take the first step to improving...