On January 24th, 2022 Veterans Affairs Canada(VAC) announced the beneficiaries of its Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund. We are tremendously honoured and happy to be one of the three Montreal-based organizations benefiting from this fund. This will allow us to grow dramatically our A.T.H.E.N.A program. 

What does this mean concretely? 


This means that we will be able to double the amount of participants that we take into the program every 12 weeks for the next 3 years. 



As you may already know. The A.T.H.E.N.A program was originally started with the support of the Quebec Veteran Foundation(QVF) allowing for 5 women to participate every 12 weeks for the year of 2021. In 2022 and moving forward, we are now able to serve 10 women every 12 weeks, which means 4 cohorts a year. Over 3 years this means around 120 women participating in the program. 


We know some women reading this may have been on the Waitlist to get a spot for a few months now. With this new support from VAC and the QVF, rest assured that new spots are coming. 


How do I finally get a spot on the program?



By going on our A.T.H.E.N.A sign up page, we are collecting the contact information of all retired women of the CAF interested in participating. At this point, your name is now in our pool of potential participants. 


Every time we start a new cohort, we will send out a new email to this pool to let you know we are ready to onboard new women. As things change for some of them: maybe they found a different alternative, or are simply no longer interested, your turn may come up sooner than later. So make sure to stay on our email list and to be ready to reply up these emails when we announce that spots are open.

A reminder of the key aspects of this program:

  1. A complete analysis of the participant’s health goals with me, Audrée Dufresne, certified Athletic Therapist.. This could mean: weight loss, increased strength, improved cardiovascular endurance, etc. 
  2. An analysis of chronic pain, recurring injuries, previous injuries and medical history, in order to build a program suited for you. This may also include a movement analysis through video conference.
  3. A coaching program that includes: an individual exercise program, live training sessions on video conference, nutrition tips, as well as healthy habits tips.
  4. A support group composed of the other participants. Using the online platform, all women participating will be able to: share progress and their activities in the virtual group chat if interested, meet each other and motivate each other during the live workouts, potentially reconnect with old friends, and share questions and concerns on the group chat.
  5. This service will be offered entirely online in order to eliminate any geographical barrier. Any retired veteran women from the CAF will be able register to participate.
  6. Access to the exclusive HRD2KILL Training Programs Facebook group which includes informative videos, fitness challenges and support from the HRD2KILL community.


Be sure to get yourself on the waitlist by adding your email address. Click HERE


Can’t wait to see you there!

Train Hard, Fight Easy


Audrée is an Athletic Therapist from Concordia University and a reservist in the CAF with the 51st Fd Amb. Coming from a contemporary dancing background, she was looking to improve her physical capabilities through strength and conditioning. At 17 years old she had her personal training certification and was working in a gym helping people reach their fitness goals. She now is focusing her work on getting people to their full potential through globally assessing body mechanics and weaknesses with athletic therapy.