Welcome to The Hard To Kill Podcast! In today’s episode, we have the privilege of speaking with Dallas Alexander, a JTF2 sniper who has bravely served Canada and is now making waves in the music industry. Host Dave Morrow dives deep into Dallas’s journey from the battlefield to the stage, exploring his passion for truthful lyrics and the impactful messages he weaves into his songs. Discover how this formidable sniper faced the fear of performing at open mics, started recording live shows in 2019, and is now working on a polished studio album.

We also delve into the challenges both men faced within military structures, the complexities of storytelling in the armed forces, and the nuanced issue of moral injury among veterans. Beyond the war stories and military critiques, you’ll hear about Dallas’s upcoming tour dates, his recent record available on vinyl, and his plans for songwriting sessions in Nashville.


Dave Morrow [00:00:00]:
If the crown, doesn’t come back with evidence and doesn’t present it in whatever the time frame is, they’re in contempt. Did it get that right? Do we have that do we have that here in Canada where they just didn’t

Catherine Christensen [00:00:13]:
present I haven’t my, no. My motion is. For contempt. My motion is that they are are court ordered to produce this list of documents within 15 days. If they do not produce it within 15 days of the order, should I get it, then their what their statement of defense is is. What’s called struck, which means it is wiped from the record. But then it means that there the lawsuit’s undefended. So So then I can go to the court and say, well, they didn’t defend against this lawsuit, so, therefore, they’ve admitted that they’re wrong.

Catherine Christensen [00:00:47]:
Give us what we asked for.

Dave Morrow [00:00:50]:
Welcome to the Hard to Kill podcast with me, your host, Dave Morrow. The goal of this podcast is to be a catalyst for change in the health and wellness of is. Military community and make each of you harder to kill. My mission is to help 100,000 veterans lose £2,000,000 by listening to the amazing wisdom and knowledge shared by my is. Sit back and enjoy. Hey, folks. It’s 2024. And with the new year it.

Dave Morrow [00:01:17]:
A new vitality and a new vigor to put out even better podcast has content. But you wanna know something? The majority of you are listening, but you’re not subscribed. Oh my god. So this is your 2nd time listening to a podcast. Clearly, you found this valuable. So this is what I’m gonna ask you to do. Go on your favorite podcast player and make sure to hit subscribe, may Follow whatever it is so that this podcast gets shared more widely on people’s feeds because it is having a massive impact in the military and veteran is. 1st responder space because we are listening to some of the world’s best experts on fitness, health, and nutrition, and that it goes a long way to help a 100,000 veterans lose £2,000,000.

Dave Morrow [00:02:02]:
So go do your 2 seconds of virtuous behavior behavior today, and make is. Sure to hit follow, like, subscribe, and make sure to share this widely with your friends. Peace. Hey, folks. I’m sitting down again with barrister Katherine Christiansen from Valor Legal. This is Katherine Katherine’s 4th appearance on the podcast, I believe, if I’m not correct. And she’s by far the most sought after guest here and the one that I get the most questions is about because she’s leading the charge with the lawsuit against the Canadian Armed Forces for op valor 1 and op valor 2, which are abuse of, power lawsuits against the CAF during the mandate era. So I want to have Katherine back on to chat about the updates that are going on with those lawsuits and the new lawsuits that are coming down the pipe against the Canadian Armed Forces.

Dave Morrow [00:03:01]:
Because as you know, this podcast is dedicated to the health and well-being And fitness of military members, and this is right in that wheelhouse. So, Catherine, If we could start with just a, quick update, as to, like, where we where are we in terms of op valor 1.0. And then we can talk about op valor 2.0 and the other lawsuits you have going on.

Catherine Christensen [00:03:28]:
Is. Mhmm. Well, we can actually combine 1.0 and 2.0 for the update because they’re both at the stage where is. I should be receiving, a at least a list of disclosure from the crown saying this is our evidence to defend ourselves Against this lawsuit. Keep in mind that the 2 lawsuits combined are around $850,000,000, so I would expect the crown to put some effort into this. Is. I’m not seeing much effort from the crown.

Dave Morrow [00:03:56]:
Considering it’s my money and and your money and everybody else’s money.

Catherine Christensen [00:04:00]:
As a taxpayer, I’m just bitterly disappointed. Is. We are not I would fire fire the crown. If if I’m the client, I would be, you know, because right now, basically, both lawsuits is. Sitting at a point where they haven’t produced any evidence to defend themselves. Now, 1 point o, I have made a motion in the federal court is. To, have a judge rule to say if they’re not gonna produce, anything for evidence, then I want their statement of defense struck. Is.

Catherine Christensen [00:04:31]:
And then I will ask for leave to bring a summary judgment and say, well, they didn’t defend it, so give us what we asked for. Is. The crown has come back out and said, that they want to do this by their own rules, not by the rules of court, is. To which I said, no. We’re gonna go by the rules of court. You don’t get to change those rules because you’re you don’t like this lawsuit at all. Is. So, that’s where we said, I’m waiting on a a justice to tell me if maybe their defense could be struck.

Catherine Christensen [00:05:03]:
That that would be, quite fun. And if it’s struck in 1 point o, is. Then, 2 point o kinda just follows right along behind it because they’re essentially the same lawsuit. They’re just different groups of people is. And just a few months apart for filing. So

Dave Morrow [00:05:18]:
Okay. Let me wrap ahead around that. So they’re acting kinda like petulant children. They’re like, is. We don’t like so we’re just

Catherine Christensen [00:05:25]:

Dave Morrow [00:05:25]:
the government and where the Canadian Armed Forces. It might it might Yeah. Like, this is, like, my my sergeant brain. Like, this is this what this is

Catherine Christensen [00:05:32]:
They don’t wanna they don’t wanna play. And Right. Petulant child is not a bad description. That would be how I would be is. Describing their reaction because, I would expect much different response from a chief counsel, for the Department of Justice. I would ex they they also got very cranky because I have said that if they don’t start giving me deposition dates, is. I’m gonna start issuing what are essentially to the common person, subpoenas to make these, people appear. Is.

Catherine Christensen [00:06:06]:
And one of those people would be general air who has lots to hide.

Dave Morrow [00:06:10]:
Yeah. But he’s retired but he’s retired now, Catherine.

Catherine Christensen [00:06:13]:
Is. Oh, no. Yeah. I, Right?

Dave Morrow [00:06:16]:
Isn’t that is that you just sail off. You go into the sunset. Is. Hey. You know what? I did my job. Sorry. It’s off to the next guy.

Catherine Christensen [00:06:24]:
My, tweet when his return retirement was announced. Is. I

Dave Morrow [00:06:28]:
love it. See if I can pull

Catherine Christensen [00:06:30]:
I’ll see

Dave Morrow [00:06:30]:
if I can pull it up here.

Catherine Christensen [00:06:32]:
I told him to leave his forwarding address because we’ve got depositions to do. Is. So yeah. He doesn’t get out of it because he’s retiring. The surgeon general, Billadoux, is also retiring. He doesn’t get his name doesn’t defend it. He doesn’t get out of this either. Jody Thomas, who was deputy minister of national defense at the time, is.

Catherine Christensen [00:06:53]:
She’s retiring. She doesn’t get out of it either.

Dave Morrow [00:06:56]:
Mhmm. So Boom. Is and this is just clearly speculation here. Do you think that it’s a coincidence that all these folks are retiring at the same time, or is it just because they see the writing on the wall, The Liberal Party is just falling apart, and they’ve done their time. So, yeah, time to just move on. Or do you think that this lawsuit might have something to do with it?

Catherine Christensen [00:07:21]:
Well, I think it’s it’s a combination. 1 is the ultimate demise of the Liberal Party at some point. I would suspect it’s going to be after Jagmeet Singh gets his full pension in February of 2025. But, is. I also think it has something to do the the timing was really interesting because it was within 48 hours of Epic Times, is. Publishing the leak of a, what sounds like a JAG briefing that said, is. You can’t do this. It’s all illegal.

Catherine Christensen [00:07:55]:
And even, you know, basically, sounds like the JAG wrote my my legal argument is. For me for these 2 lawsuits. And it was written in February of 21, and the mandate was brought in in October of 21. Is. So there’s no way that, Air or the Department of National Defense, the minister Anita Anand at the time, is. Jody Thomas is stepping in. There’s no way they didn’t know that legal advice from their own lawyers because that’s what it sounds like the document is. I haven’t seen the document, so, is.

Catherine Christensen [00:08:29]:
That’s my speculation on what that document is. That they the leak was about.

Dave Morrow [00:08:33]:
Right. Well, I mean, it’s funny because the elements of that document, which I haven’t seen either, were in the briefing note that I read on the podcast because I got the briefing Exactly. From an undisclosed source. I’m turning into deep throat, I think, which I was I was reading it. I was like, hold. What the this is insane. Clearly, they’re saying you can’t do this for the following reasons because it’s well, first and foremost, it’s a charter offense. And on top of that, there’s legal precedent where you can’t do it because of the anthrax vaccine.

Dave Morrow [00:09:03]:
And they went into a very good case by case set of courses of action on the reasons why you can’t. Is. And so then they gave all the courses of action in order to, roll out this mandate, and it was obvious don’t do this. And on the 1st go around, apparently, aired well, he didn’t. He he didn’t approve it. But then it did approve it in October, which we went over in a previous episode because I was, why would you do that? Why would you go ahead and not approve the 1st time around. But on the 2nd time around, knowing the same information, say, yeah. Go go ahead and do it, and you made it very clear.

Dave Morrow [00:09:43]:
It’s like, well, what happened after October. Well, he became a full bird general. Mhmm. You know? Like, he got his promotion, And that just crushed my soul because you would compromise the health of tens of thousands of your own troops in order to get promoted. Like, that’s the only reason. It kinda made me feel sick to my stomach because in my head, I’m I’m very theatrical. I want some is. Conspiracy.

Dave Morrow [00:10:09]:
Like, he’s working with the Chinese or no. Just for a promotion? Really? That’s it?

Catherine Christensen [00:10:15]:
1, is. You know, now that he’s retired, let’s see what he was promised for doing what he did.

Dave Morrow [00:10:20]:
That’s gross.

Catherine Christensen [00:10:20]:
I wanna see where he heads next. Is he going to NATO? Is. Is he going to UN? Is he going to defense contract? I wanna see where he heads next because that’s gonna tell us what he what he was offered to do this. Is.

Dave Morrow [00:10:33]:
So Mhmm. Big picture is if the crown am I I’m I’m saying that right? It’s a crown that you’re Mhmm. Okay. Doesn’t come back with evidence and doesn’t present it in whatever the time frame is, they’re in contempt. Did it get that right? Do we have that Do we have that here in Canada where they just didn’t present?

Catherine Christensen [00:10:53]:
My, no. My motion isn’t for contempt. My motion is that they is. Our our court ordered to produce this list of documents within 15 days. If they do not produce it within 15 days is. Of the order, should I get it, then their what their statement of defense is what’s called struck, which means it is wiped from the record.

Dave Morrow [00:11:14]:
Is. Okay.

Catherine Christensen [00:11:15]:
Then would be able to and I’ve asked for costs as well for the cost of having to do this. But then it means that they’re the lawsuit’s undefended. Is. So then I can go to the court and say, well, they didn’t defend against this lawsuit, so, therefore, they’ve admitted is. But they’re wrong. Give us what we asked for.

Dave Morrow [00:11:33]:
So, therefore, it comes down to a judge. Right? That goes you know what, Catherine? You’re right. They didn’t defend themselves, so by the book, then I guess you win.

Catherine Christensen [00:11:41]:
According to the rules of court. Because I’m I’m right I’m right between the lines here on the rules of court. Is. If you don’t produce your affidavit of documents they apparently didn’t like the format of the affidavit of documents I provided them. It meets the requirements of the court. So I don’t care if you don’t like it. I get documents all the time from lawyers in a format that I’m like, It doesn’t matter. I still have to answer to it.

Dave Morrow [00:12:08]:
Good job. You know?

Catherine Christensen [00:12:10]:
I mean, this is part of just being a lawyer. Is. I’d if I being in private practice, I’m not an I’m not a public servant. So in private practice, if I was doing this to a private client, I get fired, and I’d probably get a complaint to the law society for not, is. Yeah. Doing my job and then a claim against my insurance for negligence. So, you know, like, Crown, do your job.

Dave Morrow [00:12:37]:

Catherine Christensen [00:12:37]:
You’re you’ve been I don’t care that you don’t like the lawsuit. I don’t care that you want it to be a different lawsuit than it actually is. Doesn’t matter. We all have cases where we want we, you know, have to take a big breath and, you know, that’s the answer. Let’s get this done.

Dave Morrow [00:12:53]:
Is. Mhmm.

Catherine Christensen [00:12:54]:
So Mhmm. Mhmm.

Dave Morrow [00:12:56]:
Okay. So not only And

Catherine Christensen [00:12:57]:
the only way to the only way to stop our 250,000 pages of evidence just would be to sum

Dave Morrow [00:13:03]:
Yeah. And this is just gonna open up such a big can of worms. So, can we just go back? I I missed, is, part of it. What what’s the timeline on this? If if they don’t present their their evidence, then you go to the judge and say, hey. Look. Like I win.

Catherine Christensen [00:13:18]:
So I’ve already

Dave Morrow [00:13:18]:
done that. Figure this out. Okay.

Catherine Christensen [00:13:22]:
So I already done that part. So next, I’m waiting for the judge’s decision. Do I get the order that says that their defense is gone?

Dave Morrow [00:13:31]:
Okay. So this could be wrapped up Mhmm. This year.

Catherine Christensen [00:13:35]:
Anytime. It’s been with the court for about 3 weeks.

Dave Morrow [00:13:38]:
Holy smokies. Okay. So that then that means percent. Like, is. Then the way I if I’m perceiving this right, then all hell breaks loose because then there is a g seven country, part of NATO, that has a massive lawsuit that they just lost in terms of implementing a mandate, and the government didn’t even put up a fight. This has, like, major international implications, I think.

Catherine Christensen [00:14:05]:
Well, you know, because there’s already been success in the states, is. By military members, and Daniel v Seals is the most famous case Mhmm. Where they won against the government. You know? Is. Are they are the the game they’re playing that they don’t wanna bother to defend because they they can’t defend? It’s been a liberal, course of action in several CAF related suits to not defend and withdraw charges and This kind of thing. So the Liberals like to throw money at their problems. Question becomes, are they is. Buying time, to to try and run us out of money or whatever.

Catherine Christensen [00:14:47]:
That’s not gonna happen in this case. But, are they Kind of putting it off to leave it for the next government to deal with. That’s another favorite of liberal tactics.

Dave Morrow [00:14:58]:
Okay. Well, in terms of money, Catherine, I’m I’m happy to say that I have $20 waiting for you. It’s got your it’s got your name on it for not you personally, but for Valor legal action, center. So folks, if you’re listening in, you’re like, hey. How do we how do we help this lawsuit out, and how do we help out the folks, in the CAF that that need our support? Is. You can head to the link that’s gonna be in the this conversation, and it’s gonna link to my Shopify store where there’s a shirt to is. The support of 329, which is actually the 3:30, but I did the graphic before and then Catherine had it and somebody else. So, a dollar from every shirt sale goes to goes to support cause goes about.

Catherine Christensen [00:15:33]:
We’ve also, valor legal action center.org. We now have our own merch store.

Dave Morrow [00:15:38]:
Oh, shoot. I’m gonna so I’m gonna pull this up right now. Yeah. Let me pull this up so folks can see it.

Catherine Christensen [00:15:42]:
So it’s, merchandised, with the 4%, which was the but the calf said did not take, is. The bag’s ticking. So

Dave Morrow [00:15:50]:
Oh, there’s a lot of symbolism here. Okay. Cool. So so go to shop now, and, alright. Get kitted and booted. Catherine, I love this. Is. You really stepped up your game here.

Dave Morrow [00:16:00]:
This is all Yeah. You have a you have a patch? Oh.

Catherine Christensen [00:16:03]:
Yes. We have a patch. Is. Well, this this merchandise was all designed by, the plaintiffs in the 2 mass torts. They, wanted their own merch. And, so we Worked with a Canadian veteran business that supplies this,

Dave Morrow [00:16:21]:
store. Awesome.

Catherine Christensen [00:16:22]:
Is. Mhmm.

Dave Morrow [00:16:23]:
Alright, folks. So if you’re just listening on audio, then, you have to go to the link and, check out the merch store here. Awesome stuff. Okay. So, let’s move on to the next topic I want to cover off, which is the next lawsuit. So not valor 1 or 2.0, is. But the one related to, vaccine injury. What’s, what’s going on with that and and, and, what’s the status?

Catherine Christensen [00:16:48]:
Well, as you know, it’s called safe and effective. A little bit of military black humor there. Yeah. Is. Sarcasm. It has now launched. We are looking for plaintiffs. And, if people reach out to the legal action center, we can Connect them with the the intake package and start getting that moving forward.

Catherine Christensen [00:17:11]:
So we’re at that intake phase, is. And that one will be a class action. So Oh, okay.

Dave Morrow [00:17:17]:
So not a mass tort. So for those that didn’t follow the last episodes, in class action. It’s a standardized settlement settlement for the group. Yeah. I’m I’m I’m actually seeing if I understood correctly, so you’re kinda like my assessor right now, Catherine. So, is. But the mass tort, it’s individuals that are suing the government, and you’re representing them all. Did I get that right? Is.

Catherine Christensen [00:17:37]:
Yes. Nice.

Dave Morrow [00:17:38]:
That’s I’m getting you know, I’m getting a I’m getting a I’m getting an education by having you on. You’re

Catherine Christensen [00:17:42]:
getting pretty good.

Dave Morrow [00:17:42]:
I’m gonna be work I’m gonna be working for you in a few years. I have a feeling. Is. Okay. So, let’s get let’s get into it. What’s, like, what does somebody have to do in order to get, involved in the lawsuit if they feel that they they should be part of the, class action lawsuit?

Catherine Christensen [00:17:55]:
So if they, suspect they’ve been vaccine injured or even if they’ve been actually diagnosed vaccine injured, then they should reach out, get is. Intake package where we ask them a whole bunch of questions, to assess, and then, we’ll look at which classes we need is. Within the class action. So there might be someone who, was severely injured. We I know of someone who had an aortic dissection while deployed, from injections, to strokes, etcetera, so very serious ones, to people who had maybe had is. Skin reactions or autoimmune reactions or, muscular or neurological reaction. Like, there there’s different, things that happened after people took the injections. So, certainly, there will be a category for pregnancy for women that had issues, in the calf after injections that were pregnant or breastfeeding at the time.

Catherine Christensen [00:18:55]:
Is. Okay?

Dave Morrow [00:18:55]:
So Okay. So this is a this is a big deal Mhmm. Because clearly Yes. You’ve done your homework.

Catherine Christensen [00:19:00]:
There’ll also be a a death one.

Dave Morrow [00:19:03]:
Wow. Okay. And so these are this is all gonna be part of the the same class action?

Catherine Christensen [00:19:09]:
Is. Yes.

Dave Morrow [00:19:10]:
Yes. And this can all be all the information to be found on the Vowel legal action.

Catherine Christensen [00:19:15]:
Right. Or they reach out to the team. We can send them the package.

Dave Morrow [00:19:18]:
Okay. Great. So I’ll I’ll I’ll drop those links in the description. Okay. So, clearly, there’s gonna be some follow-up updates from you in the future because I know people love, getting the the info here because, I mean, aside from Epoch Times and maybe the western standard, is. There’s really nobody covering this in any great length even though we have close to $1,000,000,000, is, in in settlement terms against the Canadian Armed Forces. I don’t know if this is the largest lawsuit in Canadian Armed Forces history, but it’s gotta be up there. Is.

Catherine Christensen [00:19:53]:
I would think it yes. I would think it is. The only one that might be bigger is the mefloquine one, but I’m not sure what the status is on that one because I’m not involved is. With it. Right. That could be the other one.

Dave Morrow [00:20:04]:
Mhmm. Right. Okay. So Yep. So with that being said, like, talking about this kinda like, the cats out of the bag. People are starting to talk about things. And Mhmm. You know, I’ve I’ve seen you you’re active on other podcast too, which is awesome.

Dave Morrow [00:20:18]:
There’s other news agencies that are picking this up. I did pick this thread up on Twitter, so x, because we were discussing, I I think on our 1st chat about the king’s responsibility and all this because Mhmm. It it’s assumed that the Liberal Party had some influence in the Canadian Armed Forces to take part in this mandate. But as you stated, like, that’s that’s that’s not the chain of command. Like, the prime minister doesn’t tell his ministers really what to do because we all swear an oath. And, like, when I say we, members of the Canadian Armed Forces, yourself to the crown. And theoretically, the way I interpret it was like, well, that’s that’s kinda like a coup d’etat soft one. But, ultimately, it’s the king that has the say.

Dave Morrow [00:21:02]:
And if things are starting to get out of control, the king is the 1, and king Charles, to be specific, is technically the one that’s supposed to kinda rein things in. No pun intended. And it’s actually made its way to the UK because I saw Jim Ferguson, if I have his name right. Yeah. Jim Ferguson talking with Amorazo about this this issue that we have here. So is that something that’s kinda, like, blowing your mind a little bit? Fact that now the British are actually talking about Canadian issues related to your lawsuit. Like, what do you what do you think about that?

Catherine Christensen [00:21:38]:
Is. Yeah. That was a big surprise to me because I didn’t, didn’t know about the interview till I was, watching it and getting, tagged is. By people saying, hey. Look. You’ve been mentioned. Hey. They’ve been in the description of Tom’s talk.

Catherine Christensen [00:21:52]:
He talk they talk about my name specifically. Is. So I thought it was a very interesting thing that they would catch on is. To, the king being the head of our our military and the head of our government. But then they is. Would probably be in the best position to do that because the UK recognizes that that’s his role in the UK. Is. And I think it was kind of an eye opener for them that that’s still the role in, commonwealth countries is.

Catherine Christensen [00:22:24]:
We still acknowledge that we have a monarch. And, I don’t still don’t think that that’s gonna change anything, is. But I think it was, kinda nice to see that it’s going international. Just like the the convoy started something 2 years ago, and now this is, getting attention. And I think the state of our armed forces, Probably in the g seven, we’re in the worst situation. Mhmm. UK’s got their own problems with their military. They they’ve got the same recruitment problem.

Catherine Christensen [00:22:59]:
They’ve got is. Same morale problem, just not to the same extent that we do here. So I think it when they heard about it, it struck a nerve, And, so it was great. I have talked to Jim. Maybe you’re gonna do a podcast with him directly. Is. But so,

Dave Morrow [00:23:15]:
yeah, we’re we’re

Catherine Christensen [00:23:16]:
catching it we’re catching international attention now.

Dave Morrow [00:23:20]:
Catching an international wave. Well, The the funny thing is, I mean and that’s what I love being in the position that that I have as a podcaster. I’m just a curious kitten. So when it comes to Questions like the one we’re asking, well, if the military is kinda running rogue or if the parliament’s running rogue, is it the governor general that sets it? I guess, technically, but we do swear oaths to the monarch. Is. And when things go awry, I remember you bringing up things like Alexander sorry. Cromwell. Is it Alexander Cromwell?

Catherine Christensen [00:23:55]:
It was the Oliver Cromwell.

Dave Morrow [00:23:56]:
Oliver Cromwell. That’s it. And the Civil War era, which is, like, 500 years ago, which still is relevant to this day. And then makes me question our whole system, and is it built on The house of cards. Is there a foundation? Because, yeah, at the end of the day, if there’s something really serious going on, is king Charles really gonna intervene in in any of his colonies, Canada clearly being one of them. I don’t know. I don’t think so. I mean, like, it just seems so ridiculous.

Dave Morrow [00:24:24]:

Catherine Christensen [00:24:25]:
Is. Well but the reason we swear an oath to the crown and not to the government or to the people is so that we can hold the government to account. Is. Mhmm. That’s supposed to be the role of lawyers in the courts. We’re supposed to be able to say to the government, you no. No. No.

Catherine Christensen [00:24:41]:
No. Is. Your legislation or what you’re doing has overstepped the bounds, and we are gonna call you into question for that. That’s the division of powers idea. Is. And then the military is is separate from the government because that means the government can’t turn the military against the people. That’s the principle behind it. So, you know, when Oliver Cromwell’s government revolution went sour and they decided to bring the monarch back, is.

Catherine Christensen [00:25:08]:
That was part of the deal is that the monarch had that power to say, nope. You’re abusing the people, and we I have the power to remove you. Is. And then you see that. When they dissolve parliament, they have to go to the governor general and get permission to dissolve parliament. Is. Same with, recently, this has come up, in that an officer of the Canadian Armed Forces is. Cannot be released unless their release paperwork is signed by the governor general.

Catherine Christensen [00:25:37]:
Really? You can only be dismissed from is. His majesty’s service by the governor general as an officer.

Dave Morrow [00:25:43]:
I I need to check I need to check my docs. I’m pretty sure the governor general did sign my document.

Catherine Christensen [00:25:49]:
So we’ve been investigating this because so many of the people affected by the mass tort were the officers. None of them have the governor general’s signature on their releases. Is. So are they released?

Dave Morrow [00:25:59]:
Oh my god. Am I still in? Oh, no.

Catherine Christensen [00:26:02]:

Dave Morrow [00:26:03]:
Oh, no. I’m still in.

Catherine Christensen [00:26:04]:
Oh, well.

Dave Morrow [00:26:05]:
I I can’t publish this podcast. It’s gonna it. Couldn’t get a call from my unit. Morrow, you’ve been AWOL for 6 years. Get the hell back in here. No.

Catherine Christensen [00:26:13]:
And they wanted they wanted to charge up is. Back then you said. Yeah.

Dave Morrow [00:26:16]:
I’m bound by the code of service discipline. Ah, this is oh, no. This is worse than a YouTube strike.

Catherine Christensen [00:26:22]:
Is. Yeah. So the, office of the information commissioner, replied to our inquiring about this. Is. And, the cap has said, oh, well, there’s so many releases of officers that we just give the governor general a list, is. And they sign that list.

Dave Morrow [00:26:40]:

Catherine Christensen [00:26:41]:
Oh, really? I wanna see the list.

Dave Morrow [00:26:44]:
Is. Okay?

Catherine Christensen [00:26:45]:
I wanna see what does it say on that list at the top of the list. Does it say the following officers are released from his majesty service, or is it just a list with A signature on it?

Dave Morrow [00:26:56]:
It’s just on an FMP pad. Policy, guys. It’s in a drawer somewhere. That’s you’re Canadian. Is. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Dave Morrow [00:27:02]:
Buzz. Yeah. We got the list. Yeah. Yeah. It’s in there. It’s in the drawer. Don’t worry about

Catherine Christensen [00:27:06]:
it. Don’t worry about it. So that’s another thing that we’re poking around, is. To find out. Can because according to their own policy, they’re not following their own policy again. We can’t every time I open a is. Open a drawer. I find something else.

Dave Morrow [00:27:21]:
Catherine, you’re just giving me so much anxiety right now. That’s why we have the conversations. I’m actually I still might be in the forces. No. It. Oh, man. Oh, but you know what? That means I get back pay. Okay.

Dave Morrow [00:27:31]:
So it’s not that bad. It’s not that bad. It could be better than than I’m making it out to be. Okay. Alright. Wow. That’s, you know, that’s why I like having these conversations. That just opened up a whole new wild side of things that, Obviously, I was not tracking.

Dave Morrow [00:27:45]:
That I may not have officially been, like, out cleared or, you know, released from the Canadian Armed Forces because is. The governor general

Catherine Christensen [00:27:53]:
I bet if you go back and, yeah, go back and look at your actual release paperwork, it’s supposed to be signed by the governor general

Dave Morrow [00:27:59]:

Catherine Christensen [00:28:00]:
Is. Because you were an officer. So

Dave Morrow [00:28:01]:
I was. Oh, man. Okay. So that’s the I’m gonna do that this week, and I’m gonna post it. If I find it, I’m gonna post it on x, and then say if it’s not, is. I guess I’m still in. Pay me. Mhmm.

Dave Morrow [00:28:12]:
Wow. Right. Okay. So

Catherine Christensen [00:28:15]:
So other lawsuits, do you

Dave Morrow [00:28:17]:
Yes. Go ahead.

Catherine Christensen [00:28:18]:
That one. Is. The the other one that we’ve, launched last week is on hearing. This should interest a lot of veterans.

Dave Morrow [00:28:26]:

Catherine Christensen [00:28:27]:
There’s 2 separate hearing cases. 1 is on the hearing protection itself is defective.

Dave Morrow [00:28:35]:
Oh, okay.

Catherine Christensen [00:28:36]:
Not only is the manufacturer is. Sure. A fault here, but CAF knows it and didn’t change it. The other part of it is, that if you’ve been exposed to is. Diesel fuel or jet fuel? There’s a chemical in it that damages you’re hearing. So it’s not just sound.

Dave Morrow [00:28:56]:
Wait. Wait. Exposed to jet. I mean, I I was on an American camp. We use jet we we ran out of, is. Gasoline. So we didn’t really have any fuel other than jet fuel, and we used it forever. We used it to cook JPA and didn’t make a fireball.

Catherine Christensen [00:29:15]:

Dave Morrow [00:29:15]:
we had barbecues. We just everything was Did

Catherine Christensen [00:29:19]:
you spill it on yourself?

Dave Morrow [00:29:20]:
Of course.

Catherine Christensen [00:29:23]:
How about this? So when I told 1 of our, pilots, jet pod a pilot is. About this, he went looked at me. He went, you’ve gotta be kidding me. And I said, no. And he’s I said, I have all this the the evidence, and I just need a needed some plaintiffs. He said when I land at another base, I’m not allowed out of my aircraft for any reason. So they hand the hose up, and I refuel my own jet, and I get covered in jet fuel. I close the canopy and take off and go back to my home, base sitting in jet fuel.

Dave Morrow [00:29:55]:
That’s Canadian Armed Forces pilot.

Catherine Christensen [00:29:58]:
That’s a Canadian Armed Forces pilot.

Dave Morrow [00:30:01]:
Doesn’t sound right. Like, I’m not saying he’s lying. It’s just

Catherine Christensen [00:30:05]:
No. But exposure. And the guys that were in Afghanistan, how many times did they go to refuel their labs and spill diesel fuel and climb back into the lab? Is. Well Excuse me.

Dave Morrow [00:30:18]:
We had, I mean because we had a we had supply issues. Right? Like, it was war. So on the American camp, they they use jet fuel for, is. I think it I can’t remember which vehicle it was, but they had it. Right? There’s supposed to be either gasoline or diesel, but we ran out. Is. So we’re using jet fuel for literally everything. We’re just carrying around jet fuel to, like, light the barbecues, burn pits.

Dave Morrow [00:30:40]:
We just go with jet fuel and just, I mean, I wasn’t class action throwing that. Yeah. I wasn’t I wasn’t go like, we did have a massive inferno one day because we did have a fire. New guys were on camp. They’re really young troops. They were told, go get the water jerry cans. They came back with the jet fuel jerry cans. And, wow, did that go is.

Dave Morrow [00:30:59]:
Crazy. But

Catherine Christensen [00:31:01]:
all that.

Dave Morrow [00:31:01]:
So, I mean, like, obviously, like, the fumes, the actual, you know, liquid, the solvent itself, for sure. But then it comes down to, I how how much proof is there that, you know, I was exposed. And then that brings us to and and this is one thing that I don’t know if you’re tracking, in, Catherine. But in the States, there’s the pack deck and the toxic exposure, legislation that came through the the United States was the largest toxic exposure legislation in human history. And we we’re very closely tied to the organization, Grunt Style Foundation that helped get that passed. And I don’t understand why we don’t have anything here that’s is similar because

Catherine Christensen [00:31:41]:
because calf’s never been held accountable before, Dave.

Dave Morrow [00:31:44]:
Like, I I was literally running around into a burn pit every day.

Catherine Christensen [00:31:48]:
Mhmm. Yeah. Well, burn pits are on my hit list too

Dave Morrow [00:31:52]:

Catherine Christensen [00:31:52]:
With Canadian troops. Alright. So, like, when I took military law in law school, We’re basically told it’s almost impossible to sue the crown. You know? That you’re not gonna get anywhere. So, I decided, you know, 2021, I decided it was time to challenge that and start looking at it. We’re also, in the works. Very soon, we’re gonna be opening up a lead exposure lawsuit for, especially is. Anyone that’s been CFA Edmonton Mhmm.

Catherine Christensen [00:32:22]:
But also if they can prove, toxic levels or other bases, I’m interested in that as well. It’s well no problem at Edmonton. When the colonel of the base shows up At a private house in the PMQ is to personally put up signs not to drink the water because it’s contaminated. And one of the primary buildings that the lead contaminated water goes into is the school, the elementary school.

Dave Morrow [00:32:51]:
That’s brutal.

Catherine Christensen [00:32:51]:
This problem. It’s existed for decades.

Dave Morrow [00:32:55]:
That’s brutal. That’s brutal. I know.

Catherine Christensen [00:32:57]:
You know, if they won’t fix it themselves, Yes. We have to port them.

Dave Morrow [00:33:02]:
Somebody’s gotta put the screws. Somebody’s gotta put the screws to them. That’s, That’s disheartening, but, also, it’s time to pay the piper and Yeah. Yourself. And like I said in earlier episodes, is. I’m hoping that this inspires other lawyers to start looking at military law, to start taking it seriously, and start realizing that this is This is a patriotic act because we don’t want this rot in our armed forces. Is. We want it gone.

Dave Morrow [00:33:33]:
The only way it’s not gonna be ever be completely gone. But if you know you’re gonna be held accountable, it at least puts it in check. And that’s why I’m glad to, to know you and and, to, convey your message on the podcast because

Catherine Christensen [00:33:47]:

Dave Morrow [00:33:48]:
This isn’t about, you know, on people and, you know, ruining people’s lives. This is about making right what’s been wrong for so long. So Mhmm. Really appreciate the, the updates, Catherine, and, is and the, and the the new kind of, vision for some future lawsuits that I’m sure folks are gonna be interested in, getting more info on. So, is. Before we sign off, Catherine, I know it’s a bit of a shorter one, but, what are some what are some last, last thoughts and, that you wanna share with the, with folks out of this thing?

Catherine Christensen [00:34:18]:
I just wanna share, I think, with the community veteran community out there that, is. Asking the CAF and Veterans Affairs to treat people with honor and treat people fairly and, provide a safe work environment is. Is not, degrading anybody’s service. I am not coming after, is. The cap because of, individual service. I think they they need they are very lackadaisical on their safety for the troops. Is. I think they’ve overstepped their bounds legally, in some of the orders they’ve given.

Catherine Christensen [00:34:59]:
And since they won’t listen to anything else, is. This is what we’re out here to do is to hold them to account. And maybe the next time an officer goes to take an order or give one, is. They can stop for a second and think, can I be sued for this? What’s in the best interest of the troops underneath me, which is this should be their first thought. They’ve forgotten it, and that’s what I wanna remind them of. What is best for the truth?

Dave Morrow [00:35:25]:
I love it. Yeah. That’s a great message. And, it also ensures that those that are the overwhelming majority of of the officers and troops and the NCOs and the CAF are solid human beings. But those that are going to commit offenses, they’re they need to know that the full weight of the law is gonna hit is. And they’re not immune just because they wear a uniform. And I think that’s the the biggest message

Catherine Christensen [00:35:49]:
And I don’t care how many maple leaves you have on your shoulder. You’re not immune.

Dave Morrow [00:35:53]:
Especially if you wear maple leaves is on your shoulder. That’s why that. Catherine, thank thanks so much for sharing your insights. Thanks again for, you know, doing what you do is because I know a lot of folks out there are super appreciative. And the fact that we have somebody in our corner fighting a good fight is, is really good from around. So, thanks so much again for, spending some time here on the podcast. And folks, If you’re enjoying these episodes, don’t forget to hit the like button, hit subscribe, and make sure to become part of the Hard to Kill podcast community. That’s it for me.

Dave Morrow [00:36:28]:
Don’t forget. Train hard. Fight easy. See you on the next one. Peace. Alright. I hate t shirts. They get floppy in the arms after 10 washes.

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