by David Morrow | Jun 22, 2022 | Uncategorized
Your financial health is a massive component of your overall health. Over 50% of North Americans are experiencing financial stress and this is only going to get worse. Cody and Braden are financial brokers from World Financial Group and are going to explain the basics...
by David Morrow | Jun 3, 2022 | Uncategorized
You’re a warfighter? Want to get to the next level of fitness and do some awesome shit while you serve? Find out the 3 best strength exercises you can do to get you to the next level. Learn about the Alpha Military Performance program with its creator, LP...
by David Morrow | May 18, 2022 | Uncategorized
I’m tired of millennials being shit on for being lazy and unproductive. I didn’t see many boomers fighting all the wars for the last 20 years. Jenna Carlton is a US Navy vet and creator of “The Millennial Veteran” FB group and podcast that...
by David Morrow | May 11, 2022 | Uncategorized
Have you ever rucked close to 900km? Likely not. But Lino and his group of highly motivated hard chargers are going to do just that for the Ruck 2 Remember this summer. Join our DISCORD Buy Canada’s #1 book for getting your broken ass moving better again and in...
by David Morrow | May 4, 2022 | Uncategorized
The good doctor and I are at it again and this time we devoted an entire hour to the topic of cholesterol. How did we get the understanding of what this tiny little molecule does, in our bodies, so wrong? Join our DISCORD Buy Canada’s #1 book for getting your...
by David Morrow | Apr 29, 2022 | Uncategorized
Wrapping up this week by getting on my soap box and explaining what I think is wrong with society. Putting Nietchsze, Fight Club and the Ukraine war in a nice little box of opinion and putting a little bow on it, just for you. Join our DISCORD Buy Canada’s #1...